Medical emergencies happen at the most unexpected times. You can experience emergency situations such as a fracture from a bad fall, a dog bite, or even a heart attack at any time without a warning sign.
Some often drive to the nearest emergency room to seek urgent medical care without knowing how ER works. Unlike a typical hospital admission, an emergency concern requires a quicker process, which may leave you uninformed, confused, and worried.
But you can make an ER trip smoother and less stressful by preparing even before an emergency happens.
One of the things that can make a hassle-free emergency room visit is to be informed about how an ER works. With this, you would know what to do and what not to do if a medical condition suddenly happens.
Before going to the emergency room, you should know three points that could save you time, resources, and, most importantly, your life.
Know your medical information
To facilitate smooth treatment and management of whatever medical need you require, it is crucial that you know your medical information. Once you get to the ER, the nurse will assess your condition by asking a series of questions involving your symptoms, medications, allergies, and medical history.
You will be asked to rate your condition depending on the pain during the assessment. This allows the ER nurses to identify the urgency of your concern. Ensure that all details you provided are accurate and up-to-date.
For severe cases such as heart attack, stroke, and allergy attacks, a doctor will see you immediately and provide immediate treatment.
Additional requests for laboratory exams may be added, depending on your doctor’s assessment.
Meanwhile, if you have mild ER concerns such as slight discomfort, headache, and minor cuts and bruises, you may be asked to wait depending on the ongoing cases being addressed at the ER.
Furthermore, it will be a big help if you bring with you the documents that may support easy evaluation of your concern, such as results of previous examinations and doctor’s prescriptions.
Store your medical information in one easy-to-grab bag in case of emergency. You should also include all your details in it, including a contact person in case of an emergency.
Know the insurance policies
Part of your assessment is the inquiry of medical staff regarding your insurance. Your health insurance can save you from shelling out a significant amount of money on healthcare.
Most medical needs, including doctor’s fees, ER visits, medical examinations, and prescription drugs, are covered by most insurance.
However, ER concerns that involve cosmetic procedures, new medications, fertility treatments, and new medical technology devices may not receive coverage.
Additionally, not all ERs may accept all insurance companies. Some may only partner with leading insurance companies and may not carry lesser-known insurance.
There are also pre-approval terms from your insurance provider for any hospital services to be administered to you.
The best thing to do is to ask the nearest or preferred ERs from your location about their insurance policies.
Know the ER facilities
Be informed about the services of the emergency room facility. Aside from having essential ER equipment operated by skilled emergency medicine specialists, you should also identify other services that the ER offers.
Most ERs are equipped with onsite laboratory and diagnostic facilities. It is best to look for ERs with these facilities so that doctors who request immediate testing receive quick results. For example, an X-ray or CT scan may be required if you are suspected of having broken bones.
Lab samples of blood, urine, and tissues may also be advised if you have symptoms of flu and other organ diseases. This convenient and fast procedure helps facilitate an urgent treatment plan for your medical concern.
If you would like to know how to get an ultrasound at the ER, have a blood and urine test, or if you would like to inquire about available imaging tests, you can call your neighborhood to confirm such services. They can provide you with a list of special services, which can be beneficial if you decide to go to an ER.
Aside from diagnostic services, a full service ER can also provide an accessible facility for hospital admission, injury and trauma care, and various adult and pediatric emergency situations.
Look for the best emergency room
Knowing what to expect during an emergency visit will make your ER trip more convenient and more manageable and allow quicker treatment of your medical condition.
If you have an existing medical condition such as heart disease, asthma, or allergy, you should always be prepared for emergency scenarios.
Always be informed about your nearest ER’s services. A freestanding ER that has complete services similar to hospitals can provide quality treatment with fewer waiting times.