There are different types of color exists in color science. We all know color can be classified as two types such as primary color and secondary color. Red, yellow, blue are the primary colors and except three all colors are secondary color. Secondary color has been made by mixing two primary colors like yellow and blue makes green. Yellow and blue are the primary colors and their mixture is green is the secondary color. If you mix three primary colors then you can get tertiary color or you can mix one primary color and one secondary color you can get this also. Because secondary color are made by mixing two primary colors. There is also another elegant color which is most popular in color theory that is tan color. Dark tan color and light tan color are part of the color tan.
Primary colors: There are three primary colors in the color science those are red, yellow and blue. Primary colors cannot be made by mixing of two or three colors. It is independent color that can make another color. Primary color can make secondary colors. Such as red and blue makes purple, purple is the secondary color. There are different type of color forms exists in primary color such as blue includes ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, Prussian blue , etc. Red color also has different forms such as alizarin crimson and cadmium red. Yellow includes cadmium yellow light and lemon yellow. These are the different versions of the primary colors. Such colors are also independent in nature. These form of primary colors can be use in different purpose as per the color is required.
Secondary Colors: You have read that there are three primary colors are available in color science. Now you have a question in your mind what is secondary color? And how to make secondary colors and what is the procedure to make secondary color? The answer is very easy secondary color made by mixing two primary colors. There are different procedures to make secondary color. Now the basic procedure is mixing two primary colors such as red and yellow makes orange. Red and yellow the primary color, meanwhile orange is the secondary color. We all know except Red, yellow and blue all colors are the secondary color. Artists are also preferred basic mixing theory of color.
Brown color: If you want to create simple medium brown or light shade of brown then you have to add blue, red and yellow. You also can add orange if orange is available. You have to add all color in equal basis and mix it properly you can get brown color. Brown color is the tertiary color.
Tan color: Tan color is the most elegant color in the world. There is various procedures to make color tan. The basic procedure is to make the color tan is add yellow color with brown color and mixed it properly you can get tan color no in this discussion how to make light tan color and dark tan color.
Light tan color: if you add white with tan color it can be lighter. If you have required more light tan color then you have to add more white with this mixture.
Dark tan color: Dark tan color can be made by if you add brown with ultramarine blue and mixed it well you can get dark tan color.
In this article we observe there is different procedure of color mixing theory and how to make the color tan and their definition which can help you to recognize your color sense.