Smoking is the habit of taking harmful material that is smoke from tabacco leaves which provide temporary pleasure is called smoking.
Inhaling tobacco smoke from cigars, cigarettes, bidis, pipes and Hubble- bubble are the methods of smoking. Cigar is a roll of tobacco leaf. Cigarette is wrapped paper full of tobacco leaves. Tobacco is a harmful intoxicant.
Smoking may give some temporary relief to the nerves but it has long lasting effects. It can prove to be a dangerous health hazard. The quantity of nicotine present in cigars and cigarette is very fatal. Habitual smoking may lead to craving for nicotine and then it became impossible to give up smoking. Smokers with lack of yoga training or physical work are more prone to affect from these diseases.
Now a days, many people started practicing reverse smoking i.e., smoking with burning end of cigar in the mouth which is a harmful practice. A smoker makes a nearby person a Passive smoker. This is more harmful to non -smokers also.
Component of tobacco smoke – Tobacco smoke contain poisonous nicotine, carbon monoxide, aromatic hydrocarbons and various other chemicals. The nicotine present in tobacco leaves causes relaxation of muscles but this causes tobacco addiction too.
Various ill-effects of smoking – Smoking not only effect the normal functioning of the body but it also causes many fatal diseases when they are taken in huge amount. The various disease caused by Smoking are
- Cancer – Tobacco chewing causes oral cancer. Smoking may lead to cancer of tongue tonsils and about 95% victims of the lung cancer are heavy smokers. Lip cancer can be can also be caused due to irritation from cigars.
- Cardiovascular disease – The increased intake of nicotine increases blood pressure and heart beat rate by constricting the arteries. It decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. So there develop a problem of heart diseases.
- Stomach disorders – Smoking increases the secretion of gastric juice at the time when it is not needed. It may cause gastric ulcers and especially harmful to persons having stomach pain.
- Pulmonary tuberculosis – Smoking causes pulmonary tuberculosis. This pulmonary tuberculosis spread from infected person to healthy person.
- Smoker’s cough – Tobacco smoke causes the irritation of mucous membrane of throat causing smoker’s cough. This lowers the membrane resistance to bacteria.
- Tissue damage – The examination of lung sections of the smokers has shown ruptured arteries, trachea and bronchi. The smoke causes irritation in the tissues which ultimately leads to tissue damage.
- Vital capacity – Smoking reduces the vital capacity of lungs and decreases the capacity for muscular activities.
- Damage to immune system – Smoking decreases immunity of the body, increasing risk of infections.
How to control smoking –
- Meditation plays an important in gaining self-control.
- Positive thinking and positive attitude can provide strength to gain control.
- If a person is unable to control his craving, then they should be admitted to rehab centers or they can seek help from family members.
- Physical exercises and yoga training are important to develop immune system.
- To divert their mind, they can do productive work to make them busy.